Whilst most of the crypto world have their attention on the possible imminent acceptance of Bitcoin Spot ETFs, the prospect of Ethereum Spot ETFs seems to be flying way under the radar for most. Receiving very little publicity, compared to Bitcoin’s current Spot ETF submissions, is the fact that giants of the investment world including Blackrock, VanEck, Ark, Fidelity, etc, have been all submitted applications for Ethereum Spot ETFs.
Most analysts agree that if Bitcoin ETFs are approved then Ethereum ETFs will follow, which should positively impact the price of Ethereum.
The deadline for the SEC to either approve of deny Bitcoin ETFs is probably before Jan. 10, which is the final deadline for the Ark application. For Ethereum there is a later date as the Ethereum RTF applications were submitted later. So most feel that the final deadline for Ethereum ETFs, if Bitcoin ETFs are approved of course, will be on the final deadline date of VanEck’s Ethereum ETF submission which is 23rd May 2024.
But of course everything hangs on Bitcoin’s fate. If the SEC denies the current wave of Bitcoin Spot ETFs early next year, then most agree that Ethereum ETF will be denied too.
Ethereum has been outperformed compared to Bitcoin this year with Bitcoin’s price up around 130% in the last year compared to 75% for Ethererum. Many believe that if Bitcoin ETF’s go live next year not only will Bitcoin boom but attention will quickly move to Ethereum which could boom too, perhaps playing catchup with Bitcoin. Exciting times!